The Birth of Moses

Episode: 501

Seizoen: 5

Just as Joy is heading out to the waterpark, she learns that her parents are helping at the community outreach drive today. As Joy grapples with what to do, Superbook appears and whisks the kids back to ancient Egypt. The kids meet Miriam who is helping her family hide her baby brother from the Egyptians. Pharaoh has decreed that all Hebrew baby boys be thrown into the Nile River! When the family can no longer hide the baby, he is placed in a basket and sent down the Nile River. Pharaoh's daughter discovers him and decides to adopt Miriam's baby brother as her son and names him Moses. After returning home Joy realizes that God had a plan for Moses and maybe for her too! She decides to seek God to reveal that plan and chooses to help out at the community drive by beginning a more mission driven focus. Exodus 1:1-22

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God has a plan for your life.


  • Personageprofielen

    • Young Miriam

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      Young Miriam
    • Baby Moses

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      Baby Moses
    • Pharaoh (Birth of Moses)

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      Pharaoh (Birth of Moses)
    • Jochebed

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    • Pharaoh's Daughter

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      Pharaohs Daughter
    • Amram

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  • Video's

    Pharaoh's Decree

    • Pharaoh's Decree
    • Soldiers Hunt for Hebrew Baby Boys
    • Moses in the Nile
    • Pharaoh's Daughter Meets Jochebed
    • The Birth of Moses - The Salvation Poem
  • Vraag en Antwoord

    • What did God create me to do in this world?

    • What does it take to do God's work?

    • How do we recognize God's calling in others?

    • Why teach a child God's Word?

    • What does Moses' basket represent?